
+44 1582 841 475

Inspiring Transforming Disrupting

We are an international consultancy, based in the UK, that enables sustained high performance in business and government; the catalysing of markets and collaborative ventures; and the accelerated growth and industrialisation of start ups and scale ups.

Delivering market defining value propositions and performance; high value employment and sustained economic growth; and end to end supply chains that flow without obstruction, deviation, delay or defect.

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What we do

Two paths to better business performance

We coach and mentor leaders and their teams to build robust foundations that enable record levels of performance to be sustained. We call this Left to Right Improvement (L2R).
In addition we help organisations better understand their customer’s requirements, develop market leading propositions, align their end to end supply chain capability and capacity, and enable customer led innovation. We call this Right to Left Transformation (R2L).

We create high performance factories

Find out how we make your people the agents of change in your business, how we transform product and process capability and how we harness technology to accelerate and improve quality, learning, fault finding and mean time to repair. Or how we combine all four to enable sustained high performance in your factories.

What we do

Two paths to better business performance

We coach and mentor leaders and their teams to build robust foundations that enable record levels of performance to be sustained. We call this Left to Right Improvement (L2R).
In addition we help organisations better understand their customer’s requirements, develop market leading propositions, align their end to end supply chain capability and capacity, and enable customer led innovation. We call this Right to Left Transformation (R2L).

L2R Improvement R2L Transformation People Technology Process

We create high performance factories

Find out how we make your people the agents of change in your business, how we transform product and process capability and how we harness technology to accelerate and improve quality, learning, fault finding and mean time to repair. Or how we combine all four to enable sustained high performance in your factories.

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Look beyond your current operations to improve or transform

Simply running your business day to day can often blind you to the opportunities to improve. We can provide you with the capacity and capability to improve or transform your organisation without compromising your current business or your future business goals.



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Scalable, accessible and affordable - Improvement is within the capability of all businesses. Improving Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Motivation and Environmental performance will maximise the value of your people, processes and technologies.

Appropriately led improvement engages and inspires people to own their performance, set demanding goals, build compelling visions and achieve their best work. Through programmes of targeted education, coaching and mentoring operating teams and their leaders learn and master all the skills, knowledge and behaviours to “live and work” sustained high performance.

Improvement assures every process you employ is capable, available, adequate, flexible, agile, flowing, pulled and levelled. Improvement aligns your organisation and your suppliers to the needs and ambitions of your leaders. The development of learning factories assures the technical memory of your organsiation is captured, shared and built upon, underpinning your continuous improvement.


Transformation enables you to better understand your customers, develop market winning propositions, take a fresh look at old problems and enable customer-led innovation. Together we enable cross functional teams to translate what your consumers and customers perceive as valuable into an end to end operational capability to supply products, services and experiences sustainably and profitably.

We will transform your product and process designs, attract new talent, reveal latent talent and enable your people to realise their full potential. Transformation has the potential to redefine the expectations of your customers and to align your people, process and technology to deliver a sustainable and profitable business.


We make your leaders and teams agents of change, enabling your people to master all the competencies, behaviours and skills to imagine, lead and sustain improvement, change and transformation. Learn the psychology of high performance and then engage and inspire every person and team in your business to achieve their best work. Discover and nurture the latent talent in your organisation and attract and retain the best people.


We design, deploy and validate product and process designs, quality and maintenance systems and the end-to-end supply chain, securing your competitive advantage with the most dependable, responsive, and flexible operation at the lowest cost. We maximise yield and asset productivity while minimising labour costs, defects and customer complaints. Supply chain mastery ensures that customer demand is met, storage and inventory costs are minimised and capital assets are optimised.


We enhance and design technology to recognise, diagnose, solve and share the causes of production and process losses. We train people and teams to use workplace technology effectively, enabling the sharing of best practice and the emergence of technical memory. We make sure all operators can differentiate between safe and unsafe practices as well as normal and abnormal operating conditions.

We create high performance factories through People, Process and Technology


We make your leaders and teams agents of change, enabling your people to master all the competencies, behaviours and skills t...


We design, deploy and validate product and process designs, quality and maintenance systems and the end-to-end supply chain, ...


We enhance and design technology to recognise, diagnose, solve and share the causes of production and process losses. We trai...

Next Step

Making business better is business as usual. We call it: Total Flow

When we develop a synergy of people, process, products and technology magic happens on an industrial scale. The outcome is high performing factories architected by people for people, operating safely, sustainably and profitably. Making business better is business as usual. We call it Total Flow.

People Technology Process

How we do it with 10 levers

Developed over 17 years, 10 levers represent a system of systems to enable any organisation achieve its target outputs and outcomes. They enable the building and execution of enterprise wide continuous improvement or transformation programmes that deliver future state capability, capacity and performance. They are the best of best practices. Their sum represents all the knowledge, skills and behaviours that any organisation needs to master to sustain high performance on an industrial scale.

Vision & Strategy

Vision & Strategy

Value Creation

Value Creation

Transformation Leadership

Transformation Leadership

Customer Centred Quality

Customer Centred Quality

Product and Process Design

Product and Process Design

Supply Chain Design & Management

Supply Chain Design & Management

Supplier Engagement & Development

Supplier Engagement & Development

CI, SIM & Process Control

CI, SIM & Process Control

Value Driven Asset Management

Value Driven Asset Management

The Learning Factory

The Learning Factory

One objective four ways forward

At Total Flow we help leaders build the capability and capacity in their organisations to meet current challenges and deliver future opportunities. We build and execute complex programmes that bridge between today’s reality and tomorrow’s ambition. Our engagement enables superior performance and outcomes; the management of complexity and uncertainty; the creation of shared visions and futures; and the acceleration and amplification of growth and value. We believe that every journey to a sustainable and profitable future combines four ways forward.

Management Consulting

We help businesses maximise the value from their current investments and design, verify, deploy and validate market leading products, processes and services. We enable our clients to successfully navigate a four stage process...

We help businesses maximise the value from their current investments and design, verify, deploy and validate market leading products, processes and services. We enable our clients to navigate successfully a four stage process that assures problems, opportunities, outputs and outcomes have been identified and defined in advance of delivery, emerging solutions are capable, scalable, investible and sustainable, deployments are planned, piloted, validated and reproducible, and capabilities, capacities, and new ways of working are integrated fully into business as usual.

Managed Services

We offer businesses, regional agencies and central and local government the opportunity to acquire capability and capacity on a managed service basis. We deliver transformation programmes...

We offer businesses, regional agencies and central and local government the opportunity to acquire capability and capacity on a managed service basis. We deliver transformation programmes, enable and facilitate continuous improvement initiatives, create, capture and register IP, insight and play books, and facilitate and support the work of catapults, incubators and investors to maximise the value and growth of the businesses and communities they serve. All managed services are bespoke to assure their function, cultural fit and affordability align with expectation and need.

Interim Leadership

During periods of distress, rapid growth or transformation we provide interim board level, general management and functional leadership to support and complement our...

During periods of distress, rapid growth or transformation we provide interim board level, general management and functional leadership to support and complement our management consulting activities. Our interim leaders inject capacity, capability and experience into day to day operations. The outcome is confidence and stability, calmness and composure. Together we establish, build and nurture the environment where teams of leaders create their futures, manage their present and master their craft.

Joint Ventures

We work in partnership with founders, investors, incubators and catapults to think through, industrialise, scale and grow starts ups, scale ups, acquired assets and under leveraged IP, in exchange for equity...

We work in partnership with founders, investors, incubators and catapults to think through, industrialise, scale and grow starts ups, scale ups, acquired assets and under leveraged IP, in exchange for equity, share options, revenue shares, discounted fees and earn ins. We provide access to world class talent to work on the business, and in the business, growing capability and capacity affordably, sustainably and without compromise. We develop and execute business strategies, go to market plans, engineering & IP platforms and disruptive service propositions. Together we create compelling visions, business cases and cultures, assuring our clients secure the necessary investment, talent and demand their need to prosper and achieve their target value.

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Where we deliver

One language, many tongues

We engage, inspire and empower people in their first language to lead, enable and sustain individual programmes of improvement and whole enterprise transformation that assures their organisations meet their customer expectations today and in the future.

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Our success

Challenging, developing and empowering people is how Total Flow delivers success. Whether it’s by disrupting the status quo or engaging the workforce, each of our clients agree that we achieve success through an inspiring and personalised process.

"Total Flow gives you the right questions to find the answer yourself much like a guide. They're there when you need them. They delivered what they were asked to do, which was to increase efficiency of the line. When Total Flow finish, they'll make sure they leave the new competencies in-house."

Peggy Tege
Milupa, Site Director
  • “They don’t flood you with high-pitch sales techniques, which makes them personal and secure. There isn’t a menu, only their process, which is niche and simple. They are now one of the team. Total Flow helped secure new work and when it’s won, they help to deliver it efficiently.”

    Martin Bradbury
    MD, Laing O'Rourke

  • “Total Flow gives an outside perspective. They are emotionally committed, engaging and know their stuff. Classic small versus big, brings solutions not just a proposal.”

    Paul Campbell
    Senior Vice President Customer Service and Logistics, PepsiCo Europe

  • “Total Flow are a catalyst to think differently and challenge the status quo at a rapid pace of thinking.”

    Nirmal Kotecha
    Operations & Procurement Director, UKPN

  • “Total Flow are challenging and intelligent giving you a wider perspective by engaging in different ways. They are willing to spend time with a longer-term recovery.”

    Seamus Keogh
    COO, Clancy Docwra

  • “Total Flow are a refreshing change.  They look at the context of the business and work collaboratively to deliver a plan to transform.  They’re of the highest calibre and bring proven practical business experience to bear in all areas of the business.  Be prepared as they will challenge your thinking.  We’re half way through our transformation programme and have already delivered the run rate expected by the end of 2017”

    Kevin Green
    Operations Director, Ornua Foods

  • “Total Flow have a broad background and look at things holistically making projects exciting. They’re also good at critical thinking. Being with them, was one of the most thought-provoking couple of hours I’ve spent with someone for a long time – they put forward concepts in the way that I hadn’t previously thought of them.”

    Alan Bates
    CEO, Guernsey Electricity

  • “Total Flow quickly put a deliverables system in place that could be executable and worked. They opened up some networks for us, grasped big ideas and added something different. They have market-based thinking in a format that is operational and a global perspective.”

    Donal Buckley
    Business Development & Innovation Director, BIM (National Irish Fisheries Board)

  • “Reduced labour bill by £5m over 5 years. Wastage £1.2m reduction. Unquantifiable – Thought differently over the 3-year period.”

    Jason Ridge
    Site Director, Nutricia & Dairy Crest


Some of our clients

We believe in being honest and tackling problems head on. If you think the same way we’d love to hear from you.

People like us

We work in partnership with people like us, people we feel an affinity with, people whose values we share. Our DNA makes us different. People, customers and communities matter.

Equality, accountability & empowerment Without fear or limitation Truth, integrity & respect Emotionally Invested...
Emotionally Invested...

Protecting our customers

We protect our customers’ interests, irrespective of the impact it might have on our own.

Without fear or recrimination

We enable our customers to learn about themselves, their process and the potential of their enterprise without fear or recrimination.

Enabling choice

We enable our customers to make informed choices and help them to see and evaluate alternatives and options.

Daring to dream

We enable our customers to dream and then we support them to realise their dreams on an industrial scale.

Truth, integrity & respect

Bad news first

We always speak the truth, we give bad news first and we do not judge others or attribute blame.

Always respectful

We respect experience, expertise and intellectual property and never lay claim to, or abuse, the property of others.

Collaborative & transparent

We collaborate freely for the betterment of our brand, ourselves, our teams and our clients and always behave collaboratively, transparently and equitably.

Equality, accountability & empowerment

Equality of opportunity

Every person we meet enjoys the same opportunity for personal development and organisational success.

We care about you

We always take personal responsibility for our client’s success.

Empowered to act

We trust every member of Total Flow is empowered to act with autonomy and authority to enable and uphold the vision, mission and values of our clients and our company.

Without fear or limitation

Without limits

There are no limits to what can be achieved. We believe everyone can realise their worth and grow without limitation.

Inspiring faint hearts

We provide a stage where people can share knowledge and enthusiasm for improvement, nurture those willing to learn, give confidence to those fearful to try and inspire the faintest of hearts to attain levels of performance previously unimaginable.

Together we can

We gain inspiration by working together to solve problems, create opportunities and innovate the process of process improvement. We believe that by working together we grow faster, learn more things, make more money and have more fun, than we can ever achieve alone.

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Chris Ellins

Founder & CEO

Our team

Please browse Total Flow’s consultants’ LinkedIn profiles or you can contact us on +44 1582 841 475 and email us at: enquiries@totalflow.co.uk

Join Us

Maybe you've seen something in us that's in you

  • We want the same things. We share DNA. Your career is about transforming organisations and you know that change is all about the people. You crave a different way of doing business and know that true motivation for change flows from a personal path. That's what we do.

  • We transform the capabilities of organisations using a unique, whole-systems, end-to-end approach. We realise the full value of assets in a way that aligns the capability of processes and the potential of people. We create a team of leaders. We need people to lead, we show them how.

  • You have leadership skills, tenacity and patience. You might be an expert in supplier engagement, a champion of flawless quality or a master of vision and strategy. We thrive by providing brilliant people a stage upon which they can share their knowledge and enthusiasm for improvement.

  • Working with us, you will broaden knowledge and enhance behaviour, not only of your clients, but also for yourself. For the right people, we offer the freedom to become who they want to be. We transform organisations and your capabilities will transform us, so talk to Total Flow. We're all about the people.

Talk to us Our World is Your World

When your organisation seeks improvement, transformation or inspiration to realise the full value of your people, processes and technology, then please give me a call.

We will help you understand your current state, design a compelling future state, and develop, verify, deploy and validate industrialised solutions at scale.

Chris Ellins
Managing Director Total Flow Limited
The Lesser Barn
Whitehouse Business Centre
Gaddesden Row
Hemel Hempstead
Great Britain
enquiries@totalflow.co.uk +44 1582 841 475